Yo estaba sentado en “Circular Quay”, la zona donde está la “Sydney Opera House”, y se me acercaron dos adolescentes y se sentaron uno a cada lado, entonces me dijeron:
“Hey man, can you give me your handbag?”
Yo les dije que no les entendía, aunque si les entendía, y uno de ellos, me lo repitió más despacio y me pregunto si le entendía, entonces le dije que sí. Al ver que no le daba mi bolso, me preguntó si tenía dinero, a lo cual dije que no. Uno de ellos, se llevo la caja donde antes había estado mi cena y, por último, el de la pregunta, me dijo:
“Can I see your wallet?”
A lo que yo le dije que me tenía que ir, me levanté y me fui. El que me preguntaba se levantó para venir detrás de mí, pero el que me había quitado la caja de la comida lo sujetó y lo sentó de nuevo y me dio las gracias. No sé porque lo hizo, yo prefiero pensar que vieron que no me asustaban y que no me iba a dejar robar y no se atrevieron a intentarlo más.
Circular Quay
I was sitting in ‘Circular Quay’, where the ‘Sydney Opera House’ is and two drunken teenager came to me and sit next to me, then they said:
‘Hey man, can you give me your handbag?’
I said I didn’t understand and one of them repeated the question slower and he asked me if I understood the question, then I said yes. Seeing that I didn’t give to him my handbag, he asked to me if I had money and I answered no. The other one took the box where before had been my dinner and finally, who was asking me said:
‘Can I see your wallet?’
Then I said I had a meeting and I had to go, I stood up and I went away. Who had asked me stood up to and tried to come after me, but the other guy took him, kept him in that place and said thank you to me. I don’t know why he did it, but I prefer to believe that they couldn’t note my fear and they didn’t want to try it more.
nice post