
miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Viaje a Margaret (2ª Parte) / Trip to Margaret (Part II)

¿Donde me quedé en la entrada anterior? Ah, si! Ahí dije "Ya basta, marchaos vosotras con los surferos, que yo me voy a Margaret River". Tras la sorpresa inicial de Ivan, el se unió a mi y, después de hablar entre ellas, las chicas nos dejaron las llaves del coche para que nosotros hiciésemos lo que quisieramos.

Una vez que cogimos el coche descubrimos algunas cosas. Lo primero que descubrimos fue que las distancias eran más cortas cuando yo conducía, y lo segundo fue lo bonito que era todo aquello. Cuando, el día anterior, íbamos de playa en playa no pudimos ver la belleza natural de la zona. Nada más coger el coche nos fuimos al pueblo ya mencionado, era un pueblecito de los aparecen en las películas, casi todo hecho de madera, en medio de un bosque y con un mercadillo al aire libre para comprar cosas de segunda mano.

Cuando fuimos a la oficina de turismo, nos indicaron lo que se podía ver en la zona y comenzamos nuestro viaje de verdad. Primero nos fuimos a visitar unos viñedos y unas bodegas, a las cuales no podíamos entrar porque era domingo y solo se podía ir a comer allí, pero la extensión de viñedos en Margaret River era increíble.

Después de los viñedos, nos fuimos a visitar unas cuevas. Como habíamos quedado con las chicas en que nos llamarían cuando estuviesen listas, decidimos visitar solamente una cueva por dentro, ya que cada visita duraba una hora, para intentar que las chicas no nos llamasen en medio de una visita. Lo conseguímos, las chicas nos llamaron justo cuando estábamos entrando en la cueva más grande, así que no pudimos hablar con ellas. La cueva era enorme, y tenía unas formaciones magníficas, incluso una que tenía el nombre de "la mesa".

A la salida de la cueva, llamamos a las chicas para ver donde estaban. Nos dijeron que estaban ya en Margaret y, aunque estábamos a 30 kilómetros de allí, solo tardamos 10 minutos en llegar y, para nuestra sorpresa, no estaba allí. De nuevo a esperar y a hacer lo mismo, pero algo había cambiado, ya no nos dejábamos manejar como antes. Finalmente llegaron y nos llamaron, nosotros estábamos comprando en el mercadillo.

Nos encontramos y decidimos ir a comer, aquí hubo otra ruptura, porque ellas querían comer sandwiches y nosotros decidimos que queríamos comer cosas típicas de allí, así que nos fuimos a una especie de fonda donde nos sirvieron comida casera y, por supuesto, una botella de vino, el cual no era malo siendo Australiano.

Terminada la comida nos volvimos a encontrar con las chicas, que querían volver a una playa, este viaje para ver rayas que se acercaban a la orilla y se dejaban tocar. Fuimos a la playa y tocamos las rayas, hicimos algunas gracias en la arena e intentamos ir a un islote que había cerca, pero con tanta raya no nos atrevimos, incluso aun sabiendo que no eran peligrosas. El agua era clarísima, con lo que se podía ver a mucha distancia y descubríamos los animales acercándose.

Ya de vuelta a casa, decidimos parar, contra la voluntad de las alemanas, en una pequeña colina desde donde se veía un valle muy bonito. Gracias a la insistencia de las chicas, finalmente nos fuimos a casa y nos volvimos a perder porque ellas no dejaron a Ivan hacer de copiloto. Fue un viaje interesante lleno de contrastes, pero al final nos divertimos que es lo que cuenta.

Where did I finish previously? Oh I know! I said "Enough... You could go with the surfers, but I will go to Margaret River". Ivan, surprised of my behavior, finally joined me in the objection and the girls, after talking with each other, gave us the car keys to do whatever we wanted to.

When I took the car, we found out a couple of things. The first one was that distances where comparatively short than before and the second one was how beautiful was the environment in that area, which we could not appreciate going from a beach to another. As we took the car, we drove to the village mentioned before. It was a village like the ones which appears in the movies. Everything was made of wood, rounded of trees from the forest and, even, there was an open-air market to buy second-hand stuff.

In the tourist info point, we were told what to see and what to do and we started our real trip. First of all, we visited some vineyards and wineries, where we could not go in because it was Sunday and we should have booked the lunch there. Anyway, the vineyards are incredibly huge in that zone.

After that, we went to visit some caves formed near Margaret. As we had agreed with the girl they were going to call us when they were ready, we decided to enter in the biggest cave because each visit lasts one hour and we want to avoid the call in the middle of a visit. We made it, they called us just when we were starting our visit to the cave, so we could not talk to them. The cave was really deep and big, with spectacular formations of rocks and one of them which is called "the table".

One hour since the call, we called the girls back to know about them. They told us they already were in Margaret and, although we were 30 kilometers away, we arrived to Margaret ten minutes later and, disappointingly, they were not there. We had to wait again, but something was different in us, we did not allow them to play with us. Finally they arrived and called us, we were buying some things in the open-air market.

The four of us met up and decided to go for lunch. It was the moment for another disagreement, they wanted to go for sandwiches and we wanted some home-made food. So we split up again and Ivan and I went to a restaurant where we found home-made food and, of course, wine, which we wanted to taste because was famous in that region.

After the lunch, we found the girls, who wanted to go to the beach to see some fishes which come to the shoreline and allow you to touch them. We went to the beach, touched the fishes, enjoyed there and we tried to swim to a little island close to the shore, but there were lots of big creatures in the sea and we were a bit afraid, even though we knew they are not dangerous. Talking about the beach, the water is completely crystalline, so we could see all those creatures coming to us.

Returning home, Ivan and I decided to stop in a little hill, ignoring the girls’ complaints, from where we had a sightseen of a beautiful valley just downhill. Thanks to the insistence of the German girls, we kept travelling to home and we got lost because they did not let Ivan be my GPS. It was a trip full of contrast, however we really enjoyed, that is what really matter.

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