Como el titulo de este post sugiere, hoy voy a hablar de una chica con la que he estado saliendo dos meses.
Un día había quedado con dos amigos españoles para jugar un billar, era domingo por la tarde y tenía pinta de llover, así que era lo mejor que se podía hacer. En el tren de regreso a casa no había mucha gente, pero cerca de mí estaba sentada una chica rubia. Yo me puse a escuchar algo de música y a ojear unas notas de papel, nuevas palabras o expresiones en ingles que tenía que aprender, cuando ella empezó a mirarme como extrañada. Yo me di cuenta de que me miraba, y después de cinco minutos, le pregunté si podía ayudarle en algo. Ella me respondió que nunca había visto a nadie con esas notas para aprender ingles, así que empezamos a hablar.
Al principio, yo estaba pensando más en mi ropa, que estaba tendida, y en lo que tenía que aprender, pero seguimos hablando (ella preguntaba mucho y yo respondía) hasta que llegamos a mi estación. Cuando el tren estaba parando, yo vi que ella paraba en mi estación y empecé a interesarme más por ella. Nos bajamos del tren, me presenté y le pregunté su nombre. Helen se llamaba. Ya me atreví a preguntar cosas sobre ella y descubrí que vivía cerca de mi, así que nos fuimos andando hasta un parque que hay cerca de nuestras casas. Ya cuando nos despedíamos, le pedí el teléfono, que ella me dio, y le dije que la llamaría la semana que entraba.
No pude esperar mucho, el lunes me aburría en casa, porque mi compañero de piso se había ido, y la llame. Por suerte, los lunes termina pronto de trabajar, con lo que quedamos en el pub de mi barrio a tomar una cerveza y a hablar. Después de la cerveza, como estábamos muy bien juntos, nos fuimos a cenar y... Bueno, como he dicho, he estado dos meses con ella.
Ahora las cosas están un poco tirantes, por eso no quiero decir que es mi novia, y no se como va a terminar todo, pero lo estoy intentando arreglar.
P.D. Se que queréis fotos, pero mi cámara lleva jubilada dos meses. A partir de ahora voy a rehabilitarla y os pondré algunas fotos de lo que ocurra.
As the title of this post says, I am going to talk about a girl who I have dated for two months.
One day, I met with two Spanish friends to play pool, it was Sunday afternoon and it was cloudy, so that was the best thing to be done. There were few people on the train to return home, but there was a blonde girl sit close to me. I was listening to music and having a look to some notes, new words and idioms in English I had to learn, when she began to look at me bemused. I noticed she was looking at me and, after five minutes, I asked her if she wanted to know something. She answered me she had never seen anyone studying English like me, so we started to talk.
Initially, I was thinking more of my clothes, which were in the clothes line, and in what I had to learn than of her, however we went on talking (she asked too much and I answered) until we arrived to the station I get off. While the train was stopping at that station, I noticed she would get off in the same station and I started to become interested in her. We got off the train, I introduced myself and asked her name. Helen was it. I dared to ask about her and I found out she lived close to my home, so we went together to a park near our homes. When we said goodbye, I asked her phone number, which she told me, and I said to her I would call her the next week.
I could not wait for long, on Monday I was bored at home, because my home mate had gone back, and I phoned her. Fortunately, on Monday she finish work early, so that Monday we went to a pub in my suburb to have a beer and talk. After the beer, as we were enjoying together, we went to have dinner and... Well, as I said before, we have been together for two months.
Nowadays, the relationship is not going as well as I want, that is the reason I do not want to say that she is my girlfriend, but I am trying to fix it.
P.S. I know that you want photos, but my camera has been retired for two months. After now I am going to use it and I will upload some pictures.
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